Thursday, March 29, 2012

Value Investing = Get Rich Quick ?

I came across a forwarded email promoting a 1 day Value Investing Seminar, talking about philosophies and investment styles of Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher and Warren Buffett .

The email (written by the organiser) is as follows:

"If you like to get rich quickly, this is the way. Please kindly circulate this to all your friends who are also interested to get rich quickly."

Well, I did forward and highly recommend that seminar to a few of my friends, but NOT because I or they want to get rich quickly. I forward and personally will be attending the seminar because I think the philosophies and investment styles of Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher and Warren Buffett is very good (if not excellent).

Anyway, here's what Warren Buffett said about Sound / Value Investing.

“Ben Graham wasn’t about brilliant investments and he wasn’t about fads of fashion. He was about sound investing, and I think sound investing can make you very wealthy if you’re not in too big of a hurry. And it never makes you poor, which is even better.”

[Source: ]

And lastly, i end with a quote i read somewhere that says,

"The only thing fast about money, .... is losing it!"